A judge and a prosecutor, officers of the court,sworn to uphold the law. Do men make mistakes? Of course. Are some actions and words deliberately malicious? That may be why the term was coined "judicial and prosecutorial misconduct". The word misconduct is defined as:
In Dr. Malachi York's case, this man was indicted and locked away in the penitentiary with sworn witnesses to the judicial and prosecutorial misconduct. The readers of this and many articles like it are implored to research the FACTS of this matter. The accusations of such behavior are not made lightly, if ANY individual in the same or similar situation was a victim of what Dr.York is a victim of, they would want to have the details known and presented to a higher court and or authority to bring about justice. There should be an overturning of the guilty charge, and Dr.York should be FULLY acquited of ALL charges that led to his imprisonment. Truth is truth. It has been reiterated over and over.DR.York was
and so much more.